Art-Stop » Russian painting » Repin, Portrait of Leo Tolstoy

Repin, Portrait of Leo Tolstoy

Repin, Portrait of Leo Tolstoy

The portrait impresses vividly and powerfully. We undoubtedly see the descendant of an ancient noble family, even two families. On the line of his mother, Leo Tolstoy is a direct descendant of Yaroslav the Wise, while on the line of his father he is a descendant of the legendary Indris, a mysterious, unclear figure. High forehead, thick beard, rough facial features. Russian boyar, confidently sitting in an old chair. A detached, neutral gaze is directed into the distance, piercing the viewer and passing through him. The eyes are clear and kind. Simple black clothes, merging with the same black chair, visually enhances the hero's figure.

A light and clean background enhances the impression. The book is in hand, a symbolic detail, not accidental. Before us is a writer at the moment of thinking about what he has read, at the moment of the birth of a new, brilliant idea. Looking at the portrait, anyone will be able to feel the greatness and spiritual monumentality of Tolstoy.
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