Art-Stop » Russian painting » "Jesus walking on water" Ivan Aivazovsky

"Jesus walking on water" Ivan Aivazovsky

The painting is based on a biblical subject, which is very popular among artists of different eras. During the storm, the apostles sailed on a boat, and Christ walked towards them directly on the stormy waves. Only the Apostle Peter dared to go towards Christ and set foot on the moving abyss, as on solid land. Only faith kept him on the water, because as soon as Peter averted his eyes, he began to sink.

The picture reflects just the moment when Peter, stretching out his arms, strives with all his might to the Savior, believing in his omnipotence. Christ is depicted shining as the brightest light. The glow emanating from it simply dazzles and leaves a path on the rough sea, as if from the light of a full moon. For those sitting in the boat, the figure of Christ is a beacon of faith in the darkness of unbelief.

The masterful image of the waves creates the effect of the presence of the viewer, conveying the movement of the restless sea water so naturally. The center of the composition is, of course, the shining and illuminating figure of Christ, and the boat with people and the Apostle Peter running on the waves are extras in this key scene from the Bible.

The faces of people and their clothes are not accented, but rather made schematically, using dark colors, specifically so that the attention of the beholder does not switch, but is concentrated on the central figure of Jesus walking on the water.
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