Art-Stop » Spanish painting » Beggar old man in the sun, Mariano Fortuny - Description of the Painting

Beggar old man in the sun, Mariano Fortuny - Description of the Painting

Beggar old man in the sun - Mariano Fortuny. Canvas, oil. 74 cm x 58 cm

The Spanish artist Mariano Fortuny painted his famous work titled "The beggar old man in the sun" in the Art Nouveau genre.

This remarkably picturesque portrait was created in the nude style. The center of the painting shows a poor, beggarly old man who is basking in the sun, with no outer clothing and almost naked. His life must be full of deprivation and suffering, and his face and body are deeply wrinkled, the eyebrows are black. Although his hair and beard are gray, the look sheds faith and kindness, a little tired but satisfied. The old man's eyes are closed, and one can notice the quiet and joyful bliss in is look. It is important to have some rest for the elderly. He needs to gain strength to move further, and he sits with his back against a tree, thinking about something.

The master applied contrasts, light and dark tones in his painting, the background of which is light gray brown. It may seem that the old man just stepped out of the shadows to expose his body to the sun. The artist smoothly depicted the human figure, with the emphasis on all the main details in the old man’s silhouette. The old man might have posed for him, and the master drew him from nature. Art Nouveau style of painting features the elegance of lines, as well as the imitation of natural forms, a sort of “live” look from the inside. The master deeply felt the world that surrounded him, and skillfully conveyed the spiritual inner content. Owing to his extraordinary creative abilities, he made the impossible. His works are pleasant to contemplate, admiring the perfectly fine craftsmanship.

This picturesque portrait will bring peace of mind and some slight sadness so it will serve as a good addition to a quiet rest and reflection. Contemplating the Mariano Fortuny’s masterpiece, one can easily relax and practice meditation with the quiet music.

Snake charmers - Mariano Fortuny. Wood, oil. 61 x 153 cm

The world-famous artist and orientalist Mariano Fortuny was exceptionally gifted! The master’s works with oriental motifs deserve particular attention due to the perfectly skilled way in which he managed to convey all the beauty of oriental culture using the brush and paints. Let us talk about one of his finest artworks, titled the “Snake Charmers”. This work realistic work reflects the genre scene of Arab life. It is straight after the creation of this unique masterpiece, when Mariano Fortuny gained so wide popularity.

The painting captivates with a truly fabulous plot! Featuring the bright colors and free brush strokes, contrasting scales and shades, rich watercolor palette, is just charming. The watcher’s eye is immediately pleased with a colorful, refined, oriental carpet which is shown lying on the grass, as well as other unusual accessories, all of which are there to enliven the painting and bring the aesthetics of the day-to-day life.

The carpet has the figures of people, snakes, and a bird on it. Two men train a snake and tame a heron. Note that the animals are tame and as such not afraid of people at all. These people are dealing with the spell of snakes, which is the ancient profession came from India. The snakes do obey the people, who skillfully work with the animals, playing the flute. The snake listens to the melody, swaying to the beat and falling asleep, while the spellcasters perform various tricks. The picture shows the people dressed in capes and turbans, staring at a snake and a wild bird, talking to them mentally. The master unsurpassably conveyed the whole oriental exoticism in its absolute perfection. This subsequently made him a recognized connoisseur of oriental culture and a genial painter.

Bringing the love, harmony and goodness, this work is so pleasant to contemplate, reflect, and meditate. We would recommend having it in your living room since it will add even more peace of mind and good mood.
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