Famous paintings by the Belgian artists

Painting The Great War, Rene Magritte - Meaning and Analysis

Painting The Great War, Rene Magritte - Meaning and Analysis

The Great War - Rene Magritte. Canvas, oil. 81 x 60 cm...
1 240
The man in the bowler hat, Rene Magritte

The man in the bowler hat, Rene Magritte

The man in the bowler hat - Rene Magritte. Canvas, oil. 70 x 50 cm...
2 931
Flame, Rene Magritte

Flame, Rene Magritte

Flame - Rene Magritte. Paper, gouache. 54 x 65 cm...
1 864
"The Empire of Light" be Rene Magritte - Meaning and Analysis

"The Empire of Light" be Rene Magritte - Meaning and Analysis

"The Empire of Light" painting by Rene Magritte caused a wide resonance among both artists and collectors....
2 062
“The Son of Man” by Rene Magritte, 1946 – the Meaning and Description of the Painting

“The Son of Man” by Rene Magritte, 1946 – the Meaning and Description of the Painting

Once, Harry Torchiner, who was a collector, ordered a self-portrait of Rene Magritte, but it was difficult for Rene to draw himself as he was. That is why he covered his face with a green apple. As a result, Magritte did not draw himself, but rather some anonymous person with a bowler hat and...
1 719
Painting "Lovers", Rene Magritte - the Meaning and Description of the Painting

Painting "Lovers", Rene Magritte - the Meaning and Description of the Painting

“Do not look for the right answer - there is none,” this is what Rene Magritte used to say about his works. His "Lovers" is considered one of the most mysterious and controversial paintings....
1 884
"The Treachery of images (This is not a pipe)", Rene Magritte - Description of the Painting

"The Treachery of images (This is not a pipe)", Rene Magritte - Description of the Painting

Rene Magritte lived in a sort of very individual reality, and his pictures were the only earthly and truthful matter for him. Transferring to the something worldly, something completely ordinary and uninteresting on his canvases, he reminds himself of his existence. Right at this moment. Right now....
Golconda, Rene Magritte - Meaning and Analysis, 1953, Interpretation of the Painting

Golconda, Rene Magritte - Meaning and Analysis, 1953, Interpretation of the Painting

Back in the past, Golconda was a name of the fortress in the center of India, a place where diamonds were mainly traded. Nowadays, only ruins remained from it, and today “Golconda” is just the name of one of the pictures by Rene Magritte....
4 668
The False Mirror by Rene Magritte, 1928 - Meaning and Analysis

The False Mirror by Rene Magritte, 1928 - Meaning and Analysis

“The False Mirror” was painted by Rene Magritte in two copies. The original one was created back in 1928 (although 1929 is mentioned in some sources); the second version is dated 1935, but it gained less popularity in comparison to its original version....
3 858
The Human Condition II, 1935 by Rene Magritte - Meaning and Analysis

The Human Condition II, 1935 by Rene Magritte - Meaning and Analysis

The visible combined with the hidden always creates some dissonance in the mind of the viewers. The work titled "The Human Condition" evokes mixed feelings, contradicting each other. Rene Magritte created many interpretations of this composition, of which this particular one was the most...
1 733