The Demon Seated Painting by Mikhail Vrubel - Description

The Demon Seated Painting by Mikhail Vrubel - Description

The background for the painting "The Demon Seated" is the incandescent purple low sky. Behind the Demon, unknown crystal flowers of various dark shades are blooming....
Painting "The Swan Princess", Mikhail Vrubel - Description

Painting "The Swan Princess", Mikhail Vrubel - Description

This painting was the result of the artist's serious work on the scenery for "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" opera. At that time, the life of the whole family of the master was closely connected with this production....
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Victor Vasnetsov, Knight at the Crossroads Painting Description

Victor Vasnetsov, Knight at the Crossroads Painting Description

The painting "Knight at the Crossroads" is partly a reflection of Vasnetsov's fate. As a recognized Itinerant artist, he, like his comrades, did perform genre compositions in the spirit of acute social themes that used to worry the society in the 1870-1890s....
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“Oak Grove” by Ivan Shishkin - Painting Description

“Oak Grove” by Ivan Shishkin - Painting Description

The painting "Oak Grove" depicts a bright sunny day in an oak forest. Powerful, spreading, mute witnesses of the change of centuries and generations amaze with their splendor....
Description of the painting Vasily Surikov "The Old Gardener"

Description of the painting Vasily Surikov "The Old Gardener"

He subject work represents a "everyday portrait" of a peasant. A thick beard, long uncut hair, leaky ports, and a light shirt belted with a strap....
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"The Morning of the Streltsy Execution" by Vasily Surikov - Painting Description

"The Morning of the Streltsy Execution" by Vasily Surikov - Painting Description

V.I. Surikov's works represent the top of Russian historical painting of the second half of the nineteenhh century. Once the artist was struck by the image - a candle lit at daytime - as a symbol of tragedy and doom....
The Rape of Europa by Valentin Serov - Painting Description

The Rape of Europa by Valentin Serov - Painting Description

Powerfully cutting through the thick sea, the bull carries away the beauty of Europe. Dolphins frolic, accompanying the heroes. The sky merges with the sea. The waves envelop the strong body of the bull like a king's ermine mantle. Europe is calm and even indifferent....
"Girl with peaches", Valentin Serov - Painting Description

"Girl with peaches", Valentin Serov - Painting Description

The "Girl with Peaches" was created in 1887 by V. Serov and is referred to as one of his most significant canvases. The original name was "Portrait of V.M.", where V.M. denotes Vera Mamontova, the daughter of the famous industrialist S. Mamontov; she was often saw the artist in...
Description of the painting by Valentin Serov “Portrait of Princess Z. N. Yusupova”

Description of the painting by Valentin Serov “Portrait of Princess Z. N. Yusupova”

Princess Yusupova, depicted on the ceremonial portrait by Serov, is magnificent. Secular lady, aristocrat to her fingertips. The dress gives out the exquisite taste and strict adherence to fashion. The princess could decorate the most demanding fashion magazine of the early twentieth century....